Monday, November 17, 2008


So as some of you may know my dad had a stroke 2 week ago. I know a few people who have had a stroke and I knew they were bad.  When it happens to your dad it hits you! That they are really no fun. My dad was in the hospital for a week and has been in the Acute rehab for about week. They say he is going to be getting out the day after thanksgiving. Which is good. they had told us he was going to be in the rehab for 3 weeks maybe more. I hope he gets out. I just want to say thanks to my mom and mark!! You guys helped so much by coming down to look after Savannah Jane. She loves you two and misses you even more.  Thanks to all of you who called to wish him better.

1 comment:

Meg B said...

I'm glad to hear things are getting better. Strokes are never good news, but hopefully he will continue to show progress. Let us know if there is anything we can do!